Why Choose an Orthodontic Specialist?

Orthodontic specialists are experts at straightening teeth. We are experts on faces and profiles. We are experts on your bite and how your jaw functions. It’s what we have been trained to do. It’s what we do. It’s all we do.

Upon graduation from dental school, orthodontists go on to complete an additional two to three years of residency training at an accredited school or health/science center. Semester-long courses include head and neck anatomy, biomechanics, occlusion, and dentofacial growth and development, just to name a few. In additional to the coursework, orthodontic residents see hundreds of patients in a clinical setting under the supervision and tutelage of full-time orthodontic instructors and faculty.

When you select an orthodontic specialist to care for yourself or your child, you have chosen someone who is pursuing orthodontic excellence, proficiency, and the highest standard of care in our profession. Please visit www.mylifemysmile.org to learn more.


At Merritt Orthodontics we pride ourselves on being an affordable family orthodontist that accepts all insurance plans and payment options, like cash and credit cards.

Aetna Guardian MetLife Ameritas Delta Dental United Concordia Geha United Healthcare Principal Blue Cross Blue Shield
1901 NW Military Hwy #110
San Antonio, TX 78213
(210) 344-9715
Monday - thursday: 8am - 4:30pm
friday: 8:30am - 3:30pm
*Closed for Lunch: 12:15pm to 1:45pm